connect all the nodes, all the way around.So you need to connect the nodes there too also in that screenshot, notice that the vertical line only extends halfway down to the next horizontal line, and there's another short segment.Now click the Join selected nodes button in the Node tool control bar (the control bar is the first one above the horizontal ruler) (it's the 3rd from the left - watch for the hover text, to be sure you have the right button).Drag a tiny selection box around the nodes that are overlapping - see file u2.png where I've made an arrow to show an example of where 2 nodes are overlapping.Using the Node tool select 2 adjacent lines.Now in the attached file called u1.png, you can see that the object which I thought was one whole object, is actually made of 8 objects (the status bar tells you, when they are selected).Sorry they are so tiny, but you can make them bigger by clicking on them. So I can only explain in words and screenshots. But the kind of video I use isn't allowed here.